Thursday, October 25, 2007

November almost upon us

I'm going away on October 28 and won't be back until around November 19! I do have some exciting things lined up for when I return, but before I left I wanted to get next month's kanzashi out.

And here it is:

I also reworked my maiko hair. It now includes flexi ribbons at the front and scripted colour-change hira kanzashi and bead ribbon accents, with a choice of 12 colours.

While I'm away I'll have limited internet access and no access at all to SL, so if you need me, drop me a notecard or, better still, email me at

Monday, October 08, 2007

Second Style Magazine

*falls over in excitement*

I'm in October's Second Style Magazine! My Sakura hikizuri appears in the 'Costume Couples' Halloween feature (page 46)! Seeing as many people view Second Style to be the magazine for fashionistas, I'm pleased as punch!

The magazine is free to download, and you can find it here.


So that cheered up my Monday morning a bit ;)

In shop-type news... I made hair! Expect a momoware and wareshinobu to be on sale soon.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I'm still alive!

Phew - long time no releases! Very sorry about that - what with one thing and another it's been a bit hectic. For starters Java Island has been revamped, which meant I had to move all of my stuff into a new building. It's smaller than the old one (boo hiss) and because of the VAT debacle my rent has gone up (double boo hiss!). Ah well, such is life and my landlord has been lovely about it. I completely understand why he's had to take this course of action.

But on the plus side there are some big developments afoot and some new items to boot!

Two more hikizuri - you must be sick of them by now! These have a slightly more silky sheen to them and some bold embroidery.

I'm a little late, but I also now have October's kanzashi in store. Yellow is pictured, but a pale pink version is also included.

In non-design related news, I've been nominated for the SL Fashion Bloggers' Choice Awards, run by SL Fashion Notes - I'll let you know how that goes!